IX. - The Committee's Special Hearings:  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    The Chairman may call a special Hearing, by majority vote of the Committee.


    A Special Hearing may be called for one or more of the following reasons:

    2.1  Application is being made for an important new construction or alteration likely to be of general interest to the neighborhood or the city.

    2.2  The application being made is controversial and may require extended discussion.

    2.3  The alterations proposed are likely to be of concern to the abutters, and the application was not received in time to notify them 48 hours prior to the meeting.

    2.4  Unless, due to extenuating circumstances, the applicant will require a determination before the date of the next Regular Meeting.

    2.5  Any other reasons which may cause the Chairman, or a majority of the Committee members, to call for a Special Hearing.


    The time, place, and date of any Special Hearing shall be posted at the City Clerk's Office and advertised in a paper of local circulation at least one (1) week before the Hearing.


    Copies of that advertisement shall be sent to the applicant, the abutters, the City Council, the Planning Board, and to such other persons, as the Committee shall decide.


    The costs of notification shall be paid by the owner of the property involved.